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Best 10 Examples Of Artificial Intelligence (AI) In Our Daily Lives

Examples Of Artificial Intelligence

Examples Of Artificial Intelligence will be discussed in this article. When discussing AI, some people allude to self-driving cars, advanced robotics, AI-driven traffic control, smart grid maintenance, etc. Despite the seldom news we hear about advancements made in this field, it can sound futuristic.

Best 10 Examples Of Artificial Intelligence (AI) In Our Daily Lives

In this article, you can know about Examples Of Artificial Intelligence here are the details below;

It may surprise some people to learn that artificial intelligence (AI) already exists and is a part of our daily life. Here are a few instances from our everyday life when artificial intelligence is used.

1. Travel & Navigation

Travel & Navigation

At some point in our life, we may have employed navigation tools or the assistance of others to find our way. It is a regular aspect of life for many people. You utilize AI-enabled services to get from A to B, whether you use maps for navigation or a taxi-hire assistance like Uber.

You can commute better effectively gratitude to the use of AI, which is used by Google, Apple, & many other navigation-related service providers to decipher the vast amounts of data being collected and give you with information that aids in navigation and gets real-time traffic updates.

To make an idea a reality, a variety of Geocoding and Maps API are available.

2. SmartPhone apps

Smartphone Apps

It can seem difficult to imagine our existence without cell phones. Our daily lives have become heavily reliant on various mobile applications. These applications heavily rely on AI.

The multiple prominent examples of AI that the plurality of us are familiar with & service are the built-in smart aides on our phones, such as Siri, Alexa, and Google Assistant.

More additional mobile technology outlets are creating AI-based solutions to manage many elements of the device, such as battery life, event recommendations, etc. AI is also used in a basic feature, such as the phone’s portrait mode.

Services that use artificial intelligence are now a big part of updates for both iOS and Android.

Do you want to learn how to create mobile applications? Check out this course on Udemy. Also check Social Media Monitoring Tools

3. Social Media Feeds

Social Media Feeds

Look through the apps on your smartphones to experience AI in different social media apps. What you see and do on these platforms, such as Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and other ones, is, to a considerable extent, affected by machine learning. The feeds you see when using these platforms or the notifications you get are controlled by AI.

It curates the material to transmit dinners that you find more relevant & are more likely to see by taking into account your tastes & preferences, account, and imprint on social media, among other factors.

4. Advertisements

How often have you thought to yourself, while viewing an online advertisement, “I was thinking about buying this product”? This is another Examples Of Artificial Intelligence.

AI is at work here. There is no magic involved in this, no mind-reading AI. Instead, it is monitoring your internet activity. Your browsing activity on different shopping websites or search engines is tracked, and you are fed adverts for the things you are interested in.

AI also uses demographic data, such as your age, gender, job, etc., to choose the product advertisements that are most likely to appeal to you.

This is particularly crucial now that many companies are embracing digital marketing tools to target their ideal clients.

5. Smart Cars

Smart Cars

Smart automobiles are another area where AI is becoming more prevalent in our daily lives.

Many automakers are working at combining AI with Automobiles to provide seamless services of many technology that you use, in addition to companies like Tesla being at the forefront of employing automation in automobiles.

To better navigate through traffic, information is being exchanged and communicated between the cars. The other vehicles on the grid are quickly alerted of inputs on traffic, real-time updates on blockages, etc., enabling rerouting.

Sounds intriguing? Why not pursue a career as an engineer for autonomous vehicles?

6. Music and Video Streaming

Music and Video Streaming

While playlist suggestions on music applications and YouTube have been around for a while, one can see how these recommendations will get more personalized over time. This is AI in action; it keeps track of the music and videos you enjoy the most and makes recommendations based on those. . This is another Examples Of Artificial Intelligence.

On these streaming sites, recommendations are given based on several variables like artists, genre, etc. Many of these suggestions will enable you view or listen to more contemporary content because they are ones you are unlikely to have heard of.

7. Smart Home

Smart Home

When one discusses the use of AI in creating smart homes, Alexa and Bixby immediately spring to mind. These AI applications are not, however, only applicable to these Smart-voice assistants.

Among the applications where AI is being used to make homes smarter are thermostat devices that use it to adjust the temperature automatically, AI programs that save energy by turning lights on and off based on human presence, smart speakers, programs that change the color of the light based on the time of day, etc. This is another Examples Of Artificial Intelligence.

As AI technology advances, more and more products are being created that comprehend human behavior and act accordingly. Also check social media ecommerce.

8. Smart Input

Do you want to know how AI is utilized in input?

You only need to glance at your own mobile device. The incorporation of AI has made typing out text more pleasant because it can now anticipate words, phrases, and emoticons based on your usual usage and writing style.

With choices that are more appropriate for the environment and your style, this goes beyond the predictive test used in early mobile phones. With just a swipe of the finger across the screen, phrases can be typed.

A small number of mail apps offer subject suggestions, and many times the auto-completion text is dependent on the sentence you are entering.

9. Security & Surveillance

AI does conjure up images of it being utilized for more extensive surveillance. Ethics is a contentious issue, yet it is well-known that AI is being employed more and more in this field. Monitoring the enormous feed sent by many cameras and other sensors is not only a laborious task, but it also has its limits. This is another Examples Of Artificial Intelligence.

AI monitors & analyzes inputs by employing technologies like face recognition, object and location recognition, etc.

One industry that has embraced technology advancements more quickly than most others is the banking industry. With the advancement of mobile banking, there is no longer a requirement to physically visit a location to transact business.

10. Finance Services

Finance Services

Banks employ AI for a variety of purposes, such as spotting any fraudulent activity, examining consumer investment trends, offering customer assistance, etc.

Have you ever had a bank notify you when a transaction is made using a new device? AI is being used in this instance to look for any potential fraud. As an illustration of how AI may understand your preferences, requirements, and financial strength to offer relevant items, consider the alerts you receive from banks and financial institutions about their services and products.


Humans are becoming additional productive & leading more useful lives thanks to AI. Instead of viewing it as a contest, we should recognize that. Check out this resource if you’re thinking about studying more about AI or pursuing a career in the field.

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