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What Is The API-First Approach? Complete Guide

api first approach

What Is The API-First Approach will be discussed in this article. Among the methods for developing APIs is API-First. Now let’s examine the possibilities and determine what the “API development approach” is. A methodology for planning, creating, implementing, and overseeing an API (Application Programming Interface) is known as an API development approach. It offers the structure needed to create an API, covering the stages of organising, outlining, putting into practice, testing, and maintaining. The following are the three most widely used methods for developing APIs:

What Is The API-First Approach? Complete Guide

In this article, you can know about API First Approach here are the details below;

You are not required to use each of these strategies on its own. Alternatively, you can use hybrid or variant approaches that better suit the needs of your project.

Ultimately, the method you select should take into account the complexity of the project, the dynamics of your team, the amount of upfront preparation required, the flexibility of the requirements, and the integration requirements.

Table of Contents

Deep Dive: API Development Approaches

Approach #1: Code-First

The Code-First method of developing APIs uses code to both design and create an API. Building the API is followed by creating the API specification.

Developers bypass the official design stage. Rather, they define the API endpoints, request/response formats, and business logic by interpreting the fundamental needs. After that, they create an API specification, documentation, and other artefacts using programmes and frameworks like OpenAPI.

The “code” is the only reliable source of information regarding the API standard when using this method.

An outline of the Code-First methodology is provided here:



The API implementation and specification are tightly related.


An outline of the main elements of Code-First is provided below:

Design through code

Rather than beginning with a formal definition or design document, developers write the code that actually implements the logic and endpoints of the API. Subsequently, they specify the request/response models, authentication methods, and further code elements of the API.

Frameworks and Annotations

Frameworks and libraries are used by developers to annotate code with API details. These frameworks are capable of producing an API specification and parsing the code. They develop client SDKs, artefacts, and API documentation using tools like Swagger and the specification. Automation lowers human labour requirements and guarantees uniformity in documentation maintenance.

Iterative Development

This method is very versatile since it enables developers to make rapid changes and iterate on the architecture of an API, resulting in quicker development cycles.

Strong Integration with the Implementation

In situations when the API must closely match implementation specifications and underlying business logic, the close coupling between the API code and the specification is advantageous.

Approach #2: Design-First

Writing the specification comes before development, & there is a “design” stage even before writing the specification. Design-First is a collaborative approach where stakeholders from all walks of the business participate in creating the API using speech & tools that “make meaning to everyone.” Stakeholders use “higher level” language to interpret basic needs and conceptually map out the API’s functions.

Teams can use graphical tools to assess project requirements and construct the structure, endpoints, and data formats of an API once there is consensus among all stakeholders and the requirements are clear.

Observe that developers and non-developers work together to improve the specification at every stage of the process.

An outline of the Code-first methodology is provided here:




An outline of the main elements of Design-First is provided below:

Extensive Design Phase

Developers and other stakeholders need to speak in a “shared language.”

When working together, developers and non-developers utilise a common set of tools, most often visual API design tools. After that, they are able to produce machine-readable Open API standards.

Specification as Contract

For all parties participating in the API development process, the API specification serves as the only reliable source of information. As a result, support from all parties involved is needed for API modifications.


The API specification serves as the API’s design agreement and documentation. By employing the Design-First methodology, groups can fully describe their APIs in their API specifications. To define the requirements, functionality, and expected behaviour for this project, cooperation is needed.

Validation and Mocking

By using a specification language, you can make use of tools for testing and validating the API spec against mistakes, best practices, and standards. Simulation replies can be produced by mocking tools according to the standard. An alias API can be used by client developers to begin working with, giving them early access to feedback.

Of course, the Code-First methodology can also be used to implement prototypes and mocking. But while Code-First needs API implementation code, Design-First just needs your specification.

Approach #3: API-First

Businesses may provide a range of goods and services. Nevertheless, API-First businesses see the API as the key component that binds all other products together. They therefore give its development top priority.

An outline of the API-first strategy is provided below:




An outline of the main elements of API-First is provided below.


The main interface that links all the different programmes, services, or apps that you might use to communicate and share data is called an API. Consequently, companies that priorities API development create APIs ahead of services, parts, and user interfaces that depend on the API.

Design-First and Code-First, on the other hand, might not give constructing the API precedence over other elements. Teams might want to design the user interface in addition to the API, for instance.

Modularity and reusability

Every API is viewed as a “product” within an API ecosystem when using API-first. Teams can thus create APIs utilising the technology stacks they believe are most appropriate for the API. Additionally, by continuing to be distinct from other products in the portfolio, APIs may develop and get better.


API-first places a strong emphasis on standardization, beginning with the creation of the API definition, which serves as the interface for integrating third-party platforms, developer ecosystems, and external services.

Developer Experience (DX)

Within the larger API ecosystem of an organization, each API serves a particular function. This method stands in opposition to the propensity to create different APIs without having a “clear vision” for the full offering. Because there is uniformity, the development experience is improved.

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A Hybrid Approach: API-first and Design-First

You can get the best of both worlds by combining API-First with Design-First. By leveraging a single language and shared tooling, you can leverage cooperation while keeping API development as your top priority.

Numerous advantages of this hybrid strategy contribute to its effectiveness, adaptability, and scalability. These are some of the main benefits.

Design Clarity and Consistency

When you give the API top priority above other programme elements, you can concentrate on creating an API that is as functional as possible. A clear contract that specifies the endpoints, data formats, and intended behavior can be made by teams. This lucidity guarantees uniformity among various constituents and facilitates efficacious correspondence among groups.

Scalability and Agility

Scalable architecture is provided via an API that is well-designed. It makes it possible to change or add back-end services without impacting the front-end application. Agile development techniques are made possible by this adaptability, which facilitates the application’s gradual evolution and adaptation.

Innovation and Collaboration

Client developers have the ability to produce fresh, original ideas that the company never would have thought of. These additional use cases allow businesses to enhance the API. When businesses encourage teamwork, client developers collaborate to create solutions in novel and creative ways. Also check Content Distribution Strategy

Versioning and Maintenance

It is simpler to apply version control to an API when the API specification and implementation are kept apart. Version control allows you to update the API with new features and modifications while maintaining backward compatibility and minimizing downtime for current customers.

Challenges of API-First/Design-First

Teams have certain considerations when combining API-First and Design-First methodologies. The following are the most typical difficulties.

Upfront Design

Developing a clear specification for an API calls for additional preliminary design effort. This can need a lot of resources, careful preparation, and cooperation amongst teams that occasionally have conflicting priorities.

API Changes

While adapting the API to changing requirements gives flexibility, it can also result in expensive and time-consuming adjustments. Additionally, keeping backward compatibility with current clients is a hurdle while iterating.

Communication and Collaboration

For the cross-functional team to be successful, there needs to be strong communication and a common understanding of the API definition.

Learning Curve

Instead of coding, developers must get familiar with design principles and work with non-developers to construct the specification using visual API design tools.

Testing  and validation

Developers need to test and validate their APIs against the API specification in addition to the API code. This can be difficult and frequently calls for certain equipment and knowledge.


Governance is necessary to guarantee that APIs are safe, scalable, and in line with the overarching objectives of the company. Regretfully, creating appropriate governance frameworks requires a lot of work and resources.

Third-party dependencies

Developers typically don’t construct the tools needed to create and update the API standards. Instead, because they are not internal, they depend on third-party services or platforms, which could be complicated and risky. Furthermore, modifications to third-party dependencies may have an impact on the API specification and necessitate updating the implementation code.

See also: Definition of API Developer Portal with Examples & Best Practices

How do you follow an API-First /Design approach?

You must make sure that teams dedicate to working together to develop the API and that your organisation prioritises APIs over other products in order to successfully implement this hybrid approach.

By prioritising the design, documentation, and iterations of the specification and implementation code concurrently, an API-First and Design-First approach to API development can be adopted.

Here are some broad guidelines for using this hybrid strategy.

Identify the Requirements

Identify the key features, data formats, and interactions that the API must offer before drafting the specification to make sure teams are aware of what is expected of them.

Define API Contract

Select a specification language and API design that meet those needs. After defining the data models, operations, and authentication methods, develop an API definition (such as an OpenAPI, RAML, or API blueprint) using the relevant tools.


For the API to be maintained and the API contract to be upheld, business stakeholders, developers, and other parties must work closely together under the API-first strategy.


To make sure the API specification satisfies the requirements of client applications, validate it frequently.

Mock and Prototype

You can use tools to build mock answers to mimic a “real” API given just a specification. Even before API development is complete, front-end developers can start constructing client applications with fictitious server responses. Prototyping offers a chance to get user input early on and assess how usable the API design is.


Development teams can construct API endpoints and business logic based on the specification once it has been validated and found to satisfy the requirements of client apps. Furthermore, you can create boilerplate code that you can use to implement your API from the API definition alone by using frameworks and libraries.


Extensive testing guarantees that the API implementation is compliant with the API standard and operates as intended. Use well-maintained API testing frameworks and tools that validate the specification to assure compliance rather than creating testing tools from scratch.

Document and Generate SDKs

You can generate documentation from your API specification using tools if your API is compliant with a schema language such as OpenAPI. In order for API users to comprehend the resources, endpoints, request/response formats, authentication, authorization, and any extra developer recommendations, such as how-to tutorials and getting started guides, reference documentation for the API is crucial. Additionally, you can build code samples and client SDKs from the API definition, depending on the API, which makes it easier to integrate client apps. Also check Wholesale Distribution Solutions

Deploy and Version

Here are some recommendations for versioning and delivering an API:


You can make adjustments to the API design in response to input from client developers. Automated modifications should be reflected in the related documentation.

Wrapping Up

To address the difficulties of maintaining the spec and code in sync, API development generally necessitates meticulous planning, administration, and coordination. Furthermore, effective collaboration, governance, and communication are essential for developing, testing, and ensuring that APIs support the business objectives of the company.

Every method for developing an API has advantages and disadvantages. Tradeoffs are inevitable because there is no “magic bullet.” Teams are responsible for determining the optimal way to implement an API in accordance with development preferences, team coordination, and requirements.

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